"I'm taking my workplace with me"

Meet Lena – “I’m taking my workplace with me”.

To get the right inspiration for this theme, I chose a very special workplace today: Kafé Magasinet in Gothenburg. My Flat White was just freshly prepared, I made myself comfortable in a lounge chair in a corner of the café and connected my laptop to the WLAN. Now just quickly connect to the company network and you’re ready to go!

In the meantime, I have had the privilege of supporting Polygran for over two years in the area of employee and team development. As a working student in Human Resources (HR), I take care of the topic of value development, the implementation of the latest HR trends and the organization of our team events. One thing has characterized my job here from the very beginning and I can’t imagine working without it today: mobile working. For me, working is possible anywhere I have space for my laptop and working Wi-Fi: Train, café, university library, co-working space… the list is long.

Mobile working means freedom, flexibility and trust

For me, this form of location-independent working stands for freedom, flexibility and trust. The choice of where I work is never fixed for me, I have the opportunity to optimally coordinate my studies and my work-study job, and at the end of the day no one cares where or when I worked, but what came out of it. So mobile working means a great relief for my everyday life. I can make good use of waiting times, catch flow moments, and best of all, nothing stands in the way of a visit to my home in the Black Forest or a trip abroad. I can always take the work with me.

The way of working changes

Even though this form of work is currently very trendy alongside the home office, it certainly does not only bring advantages. Having work with you at all times also means that work and private life become more intermingled, communication with colleagues has to find creative ways, and irregular working hours with many interruptions quickly become the norm.

Finding the right balance

In order not to lose my own balance despite all the flexibility, I have made two things a habit of mine over time: consistent tracking of my working hours and shutting down my laptop at the end of working hours, according to the motto: switch off, take a breath, clear my head. It also suits me very well that my team is very well attuned to remote working. Via our Teams Chat, we are connected as a team at all times and find a suitable digital communication channel for every concern. The basis of our collaboration are our versatile tools, such as Jira or Confluence. They offer everything needed for effective cross-location collaboration and ensure that I can work in a structured manner even if I move around a lot.

Remote Work

In our article “Meet Daniela”, our colleague gives insights into her personal daily work routine in the home office.

To the article

Café work

Why I’ve grown particularly fond of working in a café is probably because of the unavoidable but, for me, somehow soothing background noise, the smell of fresh coffee, and the choice of different seating options and table heights. When a good coffee playlist is playing, I’m almost automatically in a good mood and look forward to working.

But now I’m in the mood for a piece of cake and close my laptop for a few minutes…


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